
I am unable to get the iOS client to work with Indiekit. When I enter my site’s address, I encounter the following errors:

  1. Whoops, an error occurred trying to connect. Please try again.
  2. An error occurred trying to connect. Please try again.
  3. Sorry, we could not find the XML-RPC endpoint or Micropub API for your weblog.

However, the MacOS client works correctly.

Does somebody have the same problem ?



@alienlebarge Me too. Honestly, I’ve given up trying to chase fixes; even when things do get fixed, they break again in a subsequent release. I’m instead putting my energy into improving Indiekit’s own CMS.

Will look again at the iOS app, but last time I tried, I needed to download a 13GB Xcode update before I could even open the project.????


@paulrobertlloyd I post the majority of my notes with the indiekit CMS. Your work on the project is just excellent! Thank you for that ????

The thing I'm currently missing is an easy way to post photos. Uploading a file then making a photo post takes time and doesn't work when I paste the image URL into the post. I'm on vacation right now with just my phone. I will post the images when I return. ????????????


@alienlebarge Do checkout the latest version when you’re back, lots of improvements to the photo editing experience. Am now trying to use the 30 day photo challenge to iron out most of the bugs ????